Privacy Policy
DoorTECH Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information that you may provide via the (DoorTECH) website. Whenever you use this site, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Ways that DoorTECH collect information
Some areas of the site require you to actively submit information in order for you to benefit from specific features.. You will be informed at each information collection point what information is required and what information is optional.
Some of this information may be personal (information that can be uniquely identified with you, such as your full name, address, email address, phone number etc).
DoorTECH only collect such information when you choose to supply it to them.
Information is also gathered without you actively providing it, through the use of various technologies and methods such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and cookies. These methods do not collect or store personal information.
An IP address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), so you can access the internet. It is generally considered to be non-personally identifiable information, because in most cases an IP address is dynamic (changing each time you connect to the internet), rather than static (unique to a particular user's computer).
DoorTECH use your IP address to diagnose problems with their server, report aggregate information, and determine the fastest route for your computer to use in connecting to the site, and to administer and improve the site.
DoorTECH uses small bits of data stored on your computer called 'cookies'. Find out what DoorTECH uses them for, and how to control their use.
Your privacy - how cookies are used by DoorTECH
Monitoring of email
DoorTECH may monitor email communications with DoorTECH (this includes any DoorTECH member of staff). Any such monitoring will take place in accordance with the law.
Web statistics
DoorTECH use log files generated by the web servers to analyse site usage and statistics but the files do not identify any personal information. Log file analysis helps DoorTECH to understand usage patterns on the website and to make improvements to the service.
Except as otherwise stated, DoorTECH may use information you provide via this site to improve the content, to customise the site to your preferences, to communicate information to you (if you have requested it), for internal marketing and research purposes, and for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.
DoorTECH do not disclose any information you provide via the site to any third parties or other companies except where:
▪such disclosures are necessary to fulfil DoorTECH service obligations to you, in which case DoorTECH will require such third parties to agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy
▪required by applicable laws, courts orders, or Government regulations (for example, to prevent or detect crime)
▪you give DoorTECH permission to do so
Access to and correction of personal information
DoorTECH will take all reasonable steps in accordance with legal obligations to update or correct, personally identifiable information that you submit via this site.
You have a right to ask to see details of any personal information that DoorTECH hold about you. If you wish to do so please contact the DoorTECH office that you have been dealing with.
DoorTECH has a legal duty to protect the confidentiality information. DoorTECH take all reasonable steps to protect any information you submit via the website, both online and offline, in accordance with legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998.
DoorTECH take all appropriate steps to protect your personally identifiable information as you transmit your information from your computer to the DoorTECH site and to protect such information for loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. DoorTECH use leading technologies and encryption software to safeguard your data, and operate strict security standards to prevent any unauthorised access to it.
Where you use passwords, ID numbers, or other special access features on this site, you also have a responsibility to take reasonable steps to safeguard them.
Links to other websites
This site contains links and references to other websites. Please be aware that this Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites and DoorTECH encourages you to read the Privacy Policy of every website you visit.
Notification of changes to the Privacy Policy
DoorTECH will post details of any changes to the Privacy Policy on the website to help ensure you are always aware of the information DoorTECH collect, how DoorTECH use it, and in what circumstances, if any, DoorTECH share it with other parties. This Privacy Policy was last updated May 2012.
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